
Contemporary Issues and Research Summative Business and Management

Research Topic:

To critically identify role of employee engagement in increasing employee retention of Deloitte.

Problem Statement:

The problem is enhancing employee retention due to the low staff engagement. Nowadays, the bargaining power of the workforce have been increased due to their talent and skills. Along with this, job market is becoming highly transparent which is attracting and influencing the skilled, talented and knowledgeable candidates. The market regarding the job has become very competitive. Everyone wants better job, quality life, standard packages, effective employment benefits, brand, etc. and due to this they are switching from one company to another (Kular, 2008).

This termination of the workers is affecting the performance and work efficiency of the organisations. For identifying the reasons behind leaving jobs, enterprises are using different analytical tools. They are evaluating the purpose, engagement and culture for analysing the issues behind job leaving. The problem of retention and employee engagement is increasing and has become the most important factor to resolve for the leaders of different organisations (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

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Aims and Objectives:

Aim: To critically identify the role of employment engagement in increasing employee retention of Deloitte


  • To evaluate the importance of employee engagement in increasing staff retention.
  • To suggest appropriate strategies for enhancing engagement among workforce and staff retention of Deloitte.

Research Question

  • What is the importance of employee engagement in increasing workforce retention?
  • What are the appropriate strategies for enhancing the staff engagement and retention of Deloitte?

Literature Review

Employee engagement:

According to the Zepeda, 2011, “Employee engagement is the approach of organisations which helps staff members in feeling passionate about their jobs, committed with the company and put their best efforts for achieving the goals and objectives. This property of human resource management (HRM) leads to maintain good and effective relations between the enterprise and its workers” (Zepeda, 2011). As per this statement, an engaged employee is one who is completely enthusiastic with respect to his/her task and due to this takes appropriate and positive actions for the growth and success of his/her company.

On the other hand Pestry, 2012, has concluded, “Effective employee engagement helps in increasing the job satisfaction, motivation, performance and working efficiency of the workers. This leads to improve the market position and brand image of the firms” (Pestry, 2012). In contrast to it Lucio, 2013, has argued that, “Inappropriate relationships between the workers result to affect the organisational culture, its values, morale and ethics. It leads to increase disputes and grievances which directly or indirectly effects the employee's and firm's performance” (Lucio, 2013).

According to these statements, for increasing employee relationship it is essential to conduct proper activities like team lunch, picnics, parties, etc so that workers can get opportunities to understand and know each other and company's environment.

Employee retention

As per the view of Champoux, 2010, “Employee retention refers to the ability of the company to retain its workers. It includes use of different policies and practices which makes workers to stick with their job and company for long term” (Champoux, 2010). On the other hand Welch, 2011, has declared that, “Employee retention is result of the efforts applied by the employers in retaining employees within the workplace.

With respect to this retention is related to the strategy instead of the outcome” (Welch, 2011). With respect to the employee turnover, it has identified that it is that problem which has not been resolved yet. It includes various reasons such as low morale of workers, lack of recognition, ineffective relations between employee and employer, lack of career growth and development opportunities, boredom and many morels. In context to this Abdallah, 2013, has found that “The main reason behind workers to withdraw their job and to look outside for better opportunities is lack of job satisfaction and commitment with their companies” (Abdallah, 2013).

Relationship between employee engagement and employee retention

According to the Xu and Cooper Thomas, 2011, “The capacity of an enterprise in managing and maintaining the factor of employee engagement is closely related to its ability of accomplishing the high performance with effective outcome” (Xu and Cooper Thomas, 2011). In context to this Yeo and Li, 2011, have stated that, “Effective employee engagement helps in retaining the talented, skilled and valued workers within the organisation” (Yeo and Li, 2011).

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As per this, organisation needs to create effective, cooperative, open and friendly environment so that workers can enjoy their work and maintain their performance.
On the other hand Armstrong and Taylor, 2014, have stated that “One of the biggest challenges facing by the companies of the UK is related to the employee engagement. It’s time for the firms to rethink over the concept of employee engagement for improving their performance and maintaining retention” (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In favour to this Lucio, 2013, has said that “Leaders are talking about the issues of retention. This problem has become one of the biggest competitive differentiators in the organisations” (Lucio, 2013).

There are various factors which helps in managing employee engagement for increasing employee retention. These are as follows:

Career Development:

Gruman and Saks, 2011, have said that “Organisations need to provide different facilities for the development of the employees and their career. With the help of various training and development programs, companies can help workers in enhancing their knowledge, skills and abilities as per the demand of the current scenario and new technologies” (Gruman and Saks, 2011).

In favour to this contribution to the career, development of the employees result to make them feel valued and involved which increases their job satisfaction level and lead them to work with the same firm for long time of period. On the other hand Gravells, 2010, has declared that “Some companies do not like to invest for the training programmes which dissatisfy their workers and due to this they start looking outside for better opportunities ” (Gravells, 2010). So, it is important for the companies to assess the need of its staff and then conduct appropriate training programmes for development of their career and skills.


As per the view of Armstrong and Taylor, 2014, “Leadership plays important role in influencing employees to work with the same company and to maintain effective relations with the co-workers. It is one of the energetic process which makes team members fully energetic and committed with the new and sustainable course of action which helps them in meeting the objectives of the company effectively ” (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In contrast to it, ineffective and improper leadership affects the participation of the staff members along with their motivation level.

This results to decrease in the interest of employee over their work and job. On the other hand Lucio, 2013, has found that “Leaders treat their employees with full respect by following the ethical behaviour which results to engage team members with each other. This strong bonding reduces the chances of employee termination” (Lucio, 2013).

Cultural Environment:

According to the Abdallah, 2013, “Effective cultural environment includes appropriate policies, practices, employment benefits, friendly and open working environment, proper customer relationship, cooperation and coordination, etc. and all these factors help in managing the employee retention properly. These factors reduces the chances of conflicts or disputes which result to create efficient and effective relations among the workers” (Abdallah, 2013). As per this, company needs to use various strategies for improving its cultural environment. It can develop a committee for handling the grievances and conflicts.

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Appropriate strategies for managing employee retention

Hiring strategies:

According to the Alfes and, 2013, “Some companies do not have effective resources including time and money which results to recruitment of undesirable employee who later affects its work and performance by leaving the job” (Alfes and, 2013). In context to it, organisations can develop a new hire orientation program for managing their employee retention for a long time of period. It helps in boosting the potential of the workers along with motivating them for staying in the company and to give their best for its growth.

On the other hand Gravells, 2010, has argued that “New hire orientation program is not only a single event but it is a complete process which needs to be run for few weeks so that new candidates adjusts themselves into the working place” (Gravells, 2010). So, mentorship programmes are more effective as compared to the new hire orientation program where it includes learning and mentoring strategies, which increases the motivation and confidence level of the new staff members.

Employee communication:

As per the view of Yeo and Li, 2011, “Communication is one of the essential and important part for a thriving workplace. It is necessary to have clear and proper communication among the workers, higher authorities, leaders, managers, etc. so that information can transfer to each other effectively” (Yeo and Li, 2011). On the other hand Gruman and Saks, 2011, have stated that “Feedbacks are one of the important kind of communication which provides employees an opportunity to develop themselves and their performance.

It tends to provide higher satisfaction to the workers and due to which, they like to stay in the company” (Gruman and Saks, 2011), In contrast to it Welch, 2011, has said that “Grapevine is one of the major factor which affects the communication and interaction among the workers. It is important for the firms to control and handle the negative effects of it, so that staff members does not leave them” (Welch, 2011). Thus, Deloitte can use Information and communication technology for improving and enhancing the interaction between the employees. It will lead to augment their performance and interest in work which makes them to stay in the company and give their best efforts for its progress.

Team Work:

Bush, 2011, has asserted that “Companies can manage increase their employee retention with the help of proper team work. It is essential to promote team work among the staff members so that they can give their best and cannot resist to it” (Bush, 2011). In favour to it Champoux, 2010, has declared that, “Teamwork helps in understanding each and every member which increase the communication, emotional attachment, interaction and performance. All these factors help in staying experts and skilled workers within the company” (Champoux, 2010). In favour to this, Deloitte can promote teamwork within its working environment for influencing staff members to give their best and enjoy their work by sharing skills, knowledge and abilities.

Research Methodology

It refers to the selection and analysis of the appropriate methods and strategies for achieving the objectives of the particular study. Different types of research methods and designs will be used by the investigator for solving the problem of the investigation in an effective manner (Fiegen, 2010). Research design of this study will include philosophy of the study, approach, type, data collection and sampling methods. All these factors will help author in achieving the objectives of the study in appropriate manner.

Research Philosophy:

This helps author in conducting the complete research in appropriate manner and format. This will provide broader framework of the study that consists of understanding of different hypothesis, practices, etc. Research Philosophy is of two types’ positivism and interpretivism. Positivism refers to the collection of data for accomplishing the aims and objectives whereas interpretivism refers to beliefs and values for the clear justification of conducting investigation (Positivism, 2016). For the current study, investigator will select positivism because no manipulations will be made in the data and information will be collected for accomplishing the objectives with respect to the Deloitte (Neuman and Robson, 2012).

Research Approach:

It is a process of creating new hypothesis and knowledge. It is of two types inductive and deductive. Inductive approach is used for file which goes from specific to general and applied for the qualitative data whereas deductive approach is used for the study which goes from general to specific and applies for the qualitative data (Gabriel, 2013). As author will go to collect qualitative information for increasing employee retention with the help of employee engagement, deductive approach will be used by him/her. In addition, the research is moving forward from general to the specific information and due to this, deductive approach is best for it (Geerts, 2011).

Research Type:

There are two types of the research approach, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative technique is used by the investigator for conducting in-depth investigations for determining the solutions of the problems (lakstad, 2015). The methods used for it includes interviews, questionnaires, observations, etc. On the other hand, quantitative technique is used for collecting statistical data regarding the study. For the proposed research, author will select qualitative technique as it is analysis of role of employee engagement for increasing the employee retention. With the help of this technique, researcher will able to get effective results and meet the objectives properly (Chaawla and Sondhi, 2012).

Research Design:

It is the blueprint of the study. It is of three types correlational, descriptive and exploratory. Correlational includes case control and observational study. Descriptive is used for the analysis of valid and accurate factors which helps in connecting link with the research questions. On the other hand exploratory is used developing a new theory at the end. For the current investigation, author will select descriptive design for determining the various factors which are helpful in increasing the employee retention with the help of employee engagement. The reason behind not using exploratory design will do not need formation of new theory in the end (MacDonald, 2012).

Data Collection:

There are two types of data collection method primary and secondary. Author will use both the methods, primary for collecting original information and secondary for collecting information from books, journals, articles, websites, etc. Questionnaire will be used by the investigator for collecting the information from the employees of the Deloitte. List of questions will be formed by the researcher for gathering effective and proper data with respect to the topic (Danping and Lee, 2011).


It is method of selecting units from the population for getting appropriate results of the problems of study. There are different types of sampling methods but for this research, random number sampling will be used by the investigator. The reason behind using this technique is to select appropriate samples from the employees of the Deloitte. With the help of this method, each and every selected worker will get equal opportunity to represent his/her opinion towards the research topic (Williams, 2011).

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Data Analysis:

This technique is used for applying different logical and statistical methods for evaluating and analysing the obtained data with respect to the subject of the study. There are two types of data analysis method: Thematic and statistical. In the proposed study, investigator will use thematic because it is applied to the qualitative data. Along with this, scholar will able to apply different theories for evaluating the obtained data (Pierre, 2012).

Research Gap:

Many researchers have been conducted on the employee engagement and retention but there is no investigation with respect to the Deloitte. Investigator will try to fulfil this research gap by doing proper and effective study on the role of staff engagement in increasing workforce retention of the Deloitte (Sanders, Cogin and Bainbridge, 2013).


Different types of limitations will be faced by the author while conducting this study. These limitations will be related to the lack of resources, experience, secondary information and time. For using the time properly and getting effective experience, investigator will read articles, magazines, journals, etc. This will help in getting proper experience in the respected field with collection of appropriate secondary information. On the other hand, researcher will use computer, printer, internet for using limited resources properly (Alfes and, 2013).

Ethical Considerations

There are various issues which can be faced by the investigator while conducting this study. First is related to the personal information of the participants. For handling this, author will follow all the ethical considerations by keeping the personal information of the respondents private and secure. Secondly, researcher can face issue related to the plagiarism in the investigation. It is necessary to use proper ethical consideration for dealing with such problems. Considering this proper citations will be used by the scholar for preventing investigation from plagiarism (Xu and Cooper Thomas, 2011).

Implementation plan:

The plan for conducting the research properly is as follows:


From the above proposal, it is clear that researcher will use appropriate methods for achieving the objectives of the study with respect to the role of employee engagement in increasing the employee retention of Deloitte. Along with this, literature review will help author in collecting proper secondary information. At the end, all ethical considerations will be followed by the investigator for conducting the research in legal manner.

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  • Alfes, K. and, 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management.
  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Chaawla, D. and Sondhi, N., 2012. Research methodology concepts and cases. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences.
  • Champoux, J. E. 2010. 4th ed. Organizational Behavior: Integrating .Sage Publications.
  • Danping, L. and Lee, C.K., 2011. A review of the research methodology for the re-entrant scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Fiegen, M. A., 2010. Systematic review of research methods: the case of business instruction. Reference Services Review.
  • Geerts, G.L., 2011. A design science research methodology and its application to accounting information systems research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.
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